TODAY’S SPECIAL: James 1:5-8

TO CHEW ON: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5
1) The power of true and right discernment
2) Good practical judgment; common sense.
Who wouldn’t want wisdom? We all need it for the big and little things which come up in everyday life. Which things, below, do you need wisdom for (can you think of more)?

A. How to make friends.
B. How to study.
C. How to introduce friends to Jesus.
D. What spare-time activities to get involved in.
E. What to do when teased or bullied.
F. What to do when someone else is being teased or bullied.
1.)Who will give you wisdom for these things if you ask for it (James 1:5)?
2.) What important thing must you remember when you ask for this wisdom?
3.) How do you think a person would show he/she is believing God and not doubting the answer?
PRAYER: Dear God, I need wisdom for _______. Would You please help me to know what to do about it? Amen.

MORE: How to Find God’s Wisdom
Which are ways, below, that a person might find God’s wisdom. Can you add some more ideas?
1. Look at your horoscope every day.
2. Pray about your problem, then listen for God’s answer as an idea in your mind.
3. Find out what the Bible says about your problem and follow that advice.
4. Flip a coin.
5. Ask the advice of parents, teachers and trusted friends.
6. Ask a Ouija board.
7. Follow the example of people you admire who love God.
8. Read a Christian book.