Busy Behind the Scenes

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Joshua 2:1-14

TO CHEW ON: “'I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you." Joshua 2:9

After Moses died, Joshua became Israel’s leader. “Get the people ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I’m giving you,” God said to him. “Tell them if they do everything I say, I will help them.”

Forty years before the Israelites had been at the same place. Then they refused to trust God. What would they do this time?

Picture from CC-Art.com The spies hiding under flax on the roof of Rahab's house

“Pack up!” Joshua told the people. “We’ll be leaving soon.”

Secretly he sent two spies to look over Canaan. “Pay special attention to the city of Jericho,” he told them.

When the men got to Jericho, someone saw them and went to the king. “Get those spies!” the king commanded his servants.

The spies hid in the home of a woman named Rahab. “The people are scared to death of you,” she said.

Rahab helps the spies escape - James Tissot

Why? (Joshua 2:10).

How do you think this made the spies feel?

Later Rahab helped the spies escape from the city.

When the spies made it back to camp, they told Joshua and the people how scared the Canaanites were. Then the people were filled with courage. “God is preparing the way for us to beat the Canaanites,” they said to each other. “He will help us win.”

Has God asked you to do something hard? Don’t look at the hard thing and feel discouraged. Instead have faith that God is preparing the way, working quietly and secretly behind the scenes for you too.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for preparing the way for me to succeed at what you’ve asked me to do. Amen

MORE: How spy-savvy are you?
1. Another name for a spy is: a] diplomat; b] civil servant; c] secret agent.

2. The job of a spy is to: a] get information about the enemy; b] find out who did the crime;
c] bring criminals to justice.
3. Spyware is: a] the web site where you make payments for things you buy;
b] software that collects i
nformation on where you surf on the internet; c] a website that collects passwords.

Spy stories: Stories about spies are full of suspense, adventure and excitement. Look for a spy story in your school or church library or your Christian book store.


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