TODAY’S SPECIAL: Song of Songs 2:8-13.
TO CHEW ON: "See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land." Song of Songs 2:11,12
Have you ever had a crush on someone? Though you are too young to fall in love and get married, the attraction of boys to girls and girls to boys is how God made you. The two sexes, male and female, need to come together to make babies so human life will continue.
Though having sex has become a dirty idea to many, it isn’t a bad thing. Sex was invented by God so that people could have companionship and make new families. It is a very good thing – with the right person and in the right time. (Genesis 2:24)

Q: Who is the right person?
A: Your husband or wife.
Q: What is the right time?
A: After you are married.
The Song of Songs is a poem written by Solomon about love between a man and a woman. It is full of joy, hope, new life and celebration. It shows us that God knows all about sex and has made it a good thing.
PRAYER: Dear God, please prepare and keep me for the person I will someday marry. Amen

MORE: Hope Chest
Do you hope to get married someday?
- What character traits do you imagine your future wife or husband will have?
- What things do you think you will enjoy doing together?
- What do you imagine your family will be like?
Do you realize that your future husband or wife is probably alive somewhere right now? You could pray for that person. Pray:
- That God will bless them.
- That God will prepare them for you.
- That God will keep both of you pure for each other.