TODAY’S SPECIAL: 2 Timothy 2:20-26
TO CHEW ON: "Those who cleanse themselves ... will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." 2 Timothy 2:21
Are you a leader? Before you quickly answer “no,” think about it. Do you have younger brothers and sister to whom you teach things? Have you ever been asked by your school teacher to show a new kid around? Perhaps you’ve been chosen by your friends to lead the project or to captain the team. You are probably much more of a leader than you know.
Though you’re young, it’s not too soon to learn how to lead well. God often calls great leaders when they’re young. Timothy was a young leader when Paul wrote him some leader instructions.

Can you find five things Paul told Timothy a leader should do and three a leader should not do? (2 Timothy 2: 22 - 25)
Should do:
Shouldn't do:
These instructions are still excellent advice for leaders today - young and old.
PRAYER: Dear God, please prepare me to be the leader You want me to be, now and in the future. Amen.
MORE: Prepared - Then and Now
Paul told Timothy that as a Christian worker he should “Flee the evil desires of youth.”
- If Timothy lived now and were your age or a bit older, what things do you think Paul would mean for him (and you) to stay away from?
Paul also told Timothy to “pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace...”
- If Timothy lived now, what things do you think he (and you) could do to follow Paul’s advice?