TODAY’S SPECIAL: John 2: 13-17
TO CHEW ON: “...Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” John 2:16

Jesus and His disciples went to the temple in Jerusalem for Passover. To celebrate the Passover, every worshiper had to offer an animal sacrifice and pay a tax. In Jesus’ time, the priests sold the sacrifice animals in the temple court (the outside section, like our lobby or foyer). They charged huge amounts of money for these birds and animals. They wouldn’t sacrifice any animals that weren’t bought from them.
The tax had to be paid in temple coins. Money changers changed people’s everyday money into temple coins but they charged extra to make the exchange.

Jesus was furious when He went into the temple and found the priests were more concerned about making money than worshiping God.
Do we buy and sell things in our churches today? Do you think this is a good or bad thing?

PRAYER: Dear God, help me always to respect my church and use it as a place to meet with and worship You. Amen.
SUPERSIZE IT: First Passover
Jesus and His disciples went to the temple to celebrate Passover. Read about the first Passover in Exodus 12:1-13.
What things were part of the Passover celebration?
bitter herbs Easter eggs bells bread without yeast salt blood palm branches cross lamb roasted meat