TODAY'S SPECIAL: Read: Genesis 1:14-34
TO CHEW ON: "...And God saw that it was good.... And God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:18 & 21)
Not only can God make something out of nothing. He is also full of original and interesting ideas. There is variety in the planets, stars, galaxies, moons and meteors of space. Think about the assortment of birds and animals that live on land. And then there’s the teeming life in the sea. Can you name these fishy creatures? (Use the pictures below)









God loves variety. When He looked at what He had made, He said, “This is good!”
PRAYER: Thank You, God, for creating so many different and interesting creatures. Amen.
SECOND HELPING: Different and Alike
1. Pick a sea animal and a bird which interest you.
2. From what you know, or from what you can find out in books or on the internet:
a] How does the sea animal breathe? How does the bird breathe?
b] Where does the sea animal live? Where does the bird live?
c] What does the sea animal eat? What does the bird eat?
d] What sound does the sea animal make? What sound does the bird make?
e] How does the sea animal reproduce? How does the bird reproduce.
3. In what ways are the sea animal and the bird alike? In what ways are they different?