Made Things and the Maker

TODAY’S SPECIAL: 1 Kings 4:29-34

TO CHEW ON: "He spoke about plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also spoke about animals and birds, reptiles and fish." 1 Kings 4:33

We can learn things about people in many ways. One of them is by looking at what they’ve made. Suppose you saw a display of birdhouses. On the left side is a description of five of those houses. On the right side are things you might learn about the person who made them. Match the things that go together.

Solomon prayed for wisdom. God answered his prayer. He was known as the wisest man of his time. As well as making up thousands of wise sayings (called proverbs) and composing over one thousand songs, Solomon studied nature. In a time before binoculars, microscopes and dive expeditions, Solomon knew much about plants, animals, birds, reptiles and fish.

We may ask why would such a wise man study these things? Perhaps it was just because he was curious. Maybe he studied plants and animals to see if they had anything to teach people. Another reason Solomon enjoyed studying nature was probably to learn more about the One who made all these things – God. For just as we can learn about people from the things they make, we can learn about God from the things He has made in creation.

PRAYER: Dear God, please open my eyes to see You in the world around me. Amen.

MORE: Learn About God from a Reptile?

1. Choose a reptile that interests you.

2. Find and list five interesting facts about the creature you picked (from books or the internet).

3. What things can you learn about God from your study?


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