TODAY’S SPECIAL: 2 Kings 6:8-23
TO CHEW ON: “’Don’t be afraid,’” the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’” 2 Kings 6:16

During the time of Elisha, the kings of Aram and Israel were at war. But because God told Elisha where the Aramaens were, and Elisha told the king of Israel, the Israeli king was always getting away.
“Who of you is telling Israel our plans?” the King of Aram demanded of his soldiers.
“No one,” they replied. “It’s Elisha, the prophet. He knows everything – even what you say in your bedroom.”
“Capture him,” The king commanded. He sent a large force of soldiers on horses to arrest Elisha. They came at night and surrounded Dothan, the city where Elisha was staying.
The next morning when Elisha’s servant got up, he saw the army around the city. “My lord, what shall we do?” he asked Elisha.
“Don’t be afraid,” Elisha replied. Then he prayed, “God, open his eyes.”
In the next instant the servant saw that the hills surrounding the city were full of horses – and these weren’t the enemy’s horses. They were surrounded by chariots of fire. God’s army of angels was all around, protecting Elisha and the servant.

Help tell the end of the story by choosing the right answer to each question.
1. What happened as the Aram army came toward Elisha ? (2 Kings 6:18)
a] soldiers threw spears at Elisha.
b] the servant screamed for help.
c] Elisha prayed and the soldiers became blind.
2. Where did Elisha lead the army? (2 Kings 6:19)
a] Jerusalem.
b] Bethlehem.
c] Samaria.
3. What did Elisha tell the king of Israel to do with the army? (2 Kings 6:22)
a] feed them.
b] kill them.
c] put them in prison.
4. Then what happened? (2 Kings 6:23)
a] the Aramaeans captured Elisha.
b] Aram stopped their raids on Israel.
c] Elisha and his servant sneaked out of the city.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for stories of Your protection. Please protect me today. Amen.
MORE: Angel Protection
Many verses in the Bible talk about angels.
Three of them are:
Psalm 34:7, Matthew 18:10, Hebrews 1:14
Which is your favorite?
Draw a picture of what you think an angel might look like. Write your favorite angel verse under the picture. Then thank God for the protection of angels today.