TODAY’S SPECIAL: Matthew 26:36-46
TO CHEW ON:“'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.'” - Jesus, Matthew 26:39
After Jesus and His disciples had eaten the Passover meal they went for a walk. They walked to a garden called Gethsemane. But it was not a relaxing, enjoyable time for Jesus. He knew what was ahead of Him.
1. Choose the words that describe how He felt: (Matthew 26:37, 38)
Happy Sorrowful Giddy Troubled Relaxed Sleepy Overwhelmed Angry
It’s easy to think of Jesus as someone who was so God-like that He wasn’t affected by sadness, dread or wanting His own way. But here, in this garden, we see Jesus praying, and begging His heavenly Father for something.
2. What does He ask for? (Matthew 26:39) _________________________________.

Jesus knew that physical torture and pain were ahead of Him. Worse than that, He knew that in a few hours, He would be separated from God the Father and all that was good. But as He prayed, He became absolutely sure of God’s answer to His request. It was ‘no.’ There was no ‘Plan B.’ So instead of insisting on his own way, Jesus says:
3. (Matthew 26:39) “Yet not as ___ will, but as ___ will.”
4. (Matthew 26:42) “...may ______ will be done.”
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, help me to learn to say ‘yes’ to God - like Jesus did. Amen.
MORE: Places to Pray
On this night Jesus went to pray in a garden.
- Where do you usually go to pray?
- List three other places you could go to talk to God.
- Go to one of those places today and have a prayer conversation with God.