TO CHEW ON: “'Who are you, Lord?' Saul asked." Acts 9:5
Saul thought he was pleasing God by killing the followers of Jesus.

God saw that Saul was sincere. But he was also wrong. In one amazing moment God turned Saul around.
He was traveling on the road near the town of Damascus, on his way to kill more Christians, when a light blinded him. He fell to the ground. A voice asked, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
Saul answered: “Who are you, Lord?”

What do you think he meant by “Lord”?
____ A nobleman with a title.
____ The owner of some land (landlord).
____ God – the ruler and master of everything.
(I’m sure you chose the last one.)
Then the voice that spoke to him said He was Jesus. What a shock to Saul! In that moment, he realized that the person he’d hated was God. In that moment he went from hating Jesus and the people who followed Him, to following Jesus himself. Saul called Jesus “Lord” and he meant God, the ruler and master of everything. He gave Jesus the right to be the boss of his life. At that moment Saul’s life was turned around.
Meeting Jesus still turns lives around. We may feel we’re the boss of our lives but after we meet Jesus:
- we want to do what He tells us.
- we go from wanting to please others to wanting to please God the most.
- we go from being selfish with our things to giving them to God to use any way He wants.
Have you met Jesus? Has He turned your life around?
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, please be the Lord - the boss, ruler and master - of my life too. Amen.
MORE: Picture It
Draw a comic strip of Saul’s turnaround story.