TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 39:7-23
TO CHEW ON: “But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.” (Genesis 39:20b,21)

Have you ever been blamed for something you didn’t do? That’s what happened to Joseph.
At first everything went well. When the Ishmaelites who had bought Joseph got to Egypt they sold him to Pharaoh’s servant Potiphar. Joseph liked his job and did such good work, Potiphar soon put him in charge of everything he owned.
But Mrs. Potiphar liked Joseph too – in a sexual way. She tried over and over to get him to sin with her. Over and over, Joseph said, “No.” One day she tricked him. She got him alone in the house. “Come to me,” she said to Joseph.
Again Joseph said, “No!” Then he ran out of the house.
Mrs. Potiphar was angry and humiliated. “Joseph tried to rape me,” she lied. Immediately Potiphar arrested Joseph and put him in the king’s prison.
But instead of feeling sorry for himself, Joseph got right back to work helping the jailer. In no time the jailer put him in charge of all the prisoners.
1.Why was Joseph successful in Potiphar’s house? (Genesis 39:5)
2. Why was Joseph’s successful in prison? (Genesis 39:21)
God was with Joseph the slave. He was with Joseph the prisoner. He is with you too – always. Even when you’re in a bad place and living through hard times, you can know God’s kindness and favor.
PRAYER: Dear God, please be kind to me and show me favor even in hard times. Amen.
MORE: Egypt’s Prisons
Egyptian prisons were not like our prisons today.
- They were often round buildings.
- They were dug partly into the ground, like a dungeon, with a roof like a bowl.
- The king’s prison was attached to the palace buildings.
- If no one investigated the charges against someone, he could be in prison for the rest of his life.
- The king’s prison was especially strict.