TODAY’S SPECIAL: Ephesians 2:1-10
TO CHEW ON: "For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10
Think back through the last 24 hours. What things have you used in that time which someone once had to invent, design and make? For example did you ride a bike, wash with a bar of soap, use a computer, send a text message on a cell phone, load a dishwasher? Make a list.

Just think – not one of the things you listed came into being on its own. Someone had to think of, design and put together each of these things to do their special job..

The same is true about you. You are not only the physical child of your parents but also God’s unique invention. God thought of you, then designed and brought you into the world. You are here to do things no one else can do as well as you can

Paul tells the Christians at Ephesus about this in his letter called Ephesians. He calls them “God’s workmanship.” He reminds them, and us, that after we invite Jesus into our lives, God has a special job for us. He will make us into the person who can do the good works God planned for us to do before we were ever born.
PRAYER: Dear God, please help me to do the good things I was created to do. Amen.

MORE: Inventions
1. Find out how some of these things came to be invented:
bicycle skateboard skates computer video games compact disks (CDs) television
2. Invent something of your own using your favorite kind of building toys (Lego™, Meccano™, K’NEX™ etc.).
- What can it do?
- How does it work?