A Change of Heart

TODAY’S SPECIAL: 2 Chronicles 12:1-14

TO CHEW ON: "Because Rehoboam humbled himself, the Lord’s anger turned from him and he was not totally destroyed. Indeed there was some good in Judah." 2 Chronicles 12:12

We left the story of Rehoboam a while back. He was the son of Solomon who said he would be a mean and bossy king. Ten tribes didn’t want Rehoboam to be their king. They chose Jeroboam to be king and were called Israel. We have been following what happened in Israel (King Jeroboam, King Ahab, the prophets Elijah and Elisha).

Meanwhile back in Jerusalem, Rehoboam ruled over the two tribes that stayed loyal to him. The part of the land he ruled was called Judah.

Rehoboam soon became a strong king in Judah. He forgot all about God and worshiping Him until King Shishak of Egypt started invading. In no time Shishak had captured all the nearby cities and was just outside Jerusalem.

Scared Rehoboam and his advisors were huddled in the city trying to decide what to do next when a prophet came to them. “You have abandoned God,” the prophet said to Rehoboam. “Now He is leaving you to Shishak.”

This made Rehoboam even more frightened. That day he decided to follow God again.

A little later the prophet returned. “God says because you have turned back to Me, I won’t destroy you through Shishak. But you will have to serve him. That way you’ll learn the lesson that it’s better to serve Me than the king of another land.” God saw Rehoboam’s honest change of heart. Because he decided to return to God, God kept him from being destroyed by Shishak.

Like Rehoboam you may have left God out of your life. Don’t be like him and wait for God to get your attention through a dangerous or hurtful situation. Come back to God now and find out how He is a better boss than anyone or anything.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for giving us warnings and second chances. Amen.

MORE: A Second Chance.

When Rehoboam had a change of heart, he changed his mind and began to follow God. Then God gave him and his people a second chance.

- Tell about a time you changed your mind. ___________

- What things caused that change? __________________

- Did that change lead to a second chance for you? ______ In what way?

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