TODAY’S SPECIAL: I Timothy 6:6-10

TO CHEW ON: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." I Timothy 6:10a
How do you feel about money? Do you have any? How much? Do you earn money regularly? When you get it, what do you do with it? Spend it all? Save it all? Spend and save both?
It’s hard to imagine a world with no money in it. Getting money for a job we’ve done shows us our work is worthwhile. We use money to buy many things we need like food, clothes, a house, and a car. Money is not a bad thing.

But when we love money, when we feel we always need more and think being rich is the most important thing in the world, we are on a dangerous path. Very quickly money can become more important than God. It can become something we worship like a god.
PRAYER: Dear God, help me never to love money more than You. Help me to spend my money wisely and be content with what I have. Amen.

MORE: A Crush on Cash
What kinds of evil can the love of money lead to? Below is a list of some things. Can you think of more?
The person who loves money may:
1. Become a workaholic who has little time for friends and family.
2. Become addicted to gambling.
3. Do illegal things to get money (like steal, or deal drugs)
4. Become self-centered and proud.