TODAY’S SPECIAL: Psalm 3:1-8
TO CHEW ON: "Many are saying of me, 'God will not deliver him.' But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.” Psalm 3:2,3
Have you ever been in big trouble? Maybe some bullies at school are picking on you, or someone in your family is deathly sick, or your house was wrecked in a storm or fire – or some other thing. What do you do when big trouble comes?

When David wrote Psalm 3, he had a big problem. By now he had been king for many years. He also had many children. One of his sons, Absalom, was ambitious. He wanted to become king instead of David.
Secretly Absalom won the hearts of the people. He did this by talking to each person who came with a problem for the king to judge. He said things like, “Isn’t it a shame the king is too busy to hear you? Now if only I were the king, things would be different.”
After acting like this for four years, he made his move. Without his father knowing it Absalom went to Hebron. Then he sent secret messengers through the land. They told everyone, “As soon as you hear the trumpets, say, ‘Absalom is king in Hebron.’”
A messenger came from Hebron to tell David. “Everyone is following Absalom.”
David knew if this were true, he and his family were in danger. Quickly they packed some things and hurried out of Jerusalem. But David felt terrible. His own son, whom he loved, was betraying him. And if all the people and the army really were going with Absalom, who was left to help him?

So David did what he had always done – in good times and bad. He went to God. Psalm 3 is the prayer he prayed when he was running away from Absalom. In it he tells God his problem (Psalm 3:1-2). He reminds himself how big and strong God is by praising Him (Psalm 3:3-4). He tells how trusting God changes even the way he acts, helping him sleep and not be afraid (Psalm 3:5-6). Then he prays that God will deal with his enemies (Psalm 3:7-9).
Read this prayer aloud, pretending you are David praying it. What is your favorite part? _______
PRAYER: Dear God, my big problem is __________. Please help me. Amen
MORE: A Prayer-for-help Psalm of Your Own
Write a Prayer-for-help Psalm of your own. You can use the words in bold to start each section.
Part 1: O Lord, _____ (Name your problem and say what people or your thoughts are telling you about it.).
Part 2: But _____ (Write about how great God is and how able to help).
Part 3: I _____ (Tell how your actions would change if you knew God would help you.)
Part 4: Arise O Lord _____ (Write out exactly what you want God to do).