God Save the (New) King

TODAY’S SPECIAL: 1 Chronicles 11:1-9

TO CHEW ON: "And David became more and more powerful, because the Lord Almighty was with him." 1 Chronicles 11:9

Now that Saul was dead, the people of Israel needed a new king. They gathered in the city of Hebron where David was staying. David had proved himself a natural leader and a fearless warrior. They knew that God had already chosen him to be king. Now they wanted to make it official and crown him king. They did this at Hebron.

Then the Israelites went with David to the city of Jerusalem. David wanted Jerusalem to be the place from which he ruled.

Rebels who didn’t like David lived there. “You’ll never get in here!” the people of Jerusalem shouted at David from behind thick walls.

But David had many brave soldiers in his army. One of them, Joab, led the attack. In no time, David’s army had won the city.

David moved into the castle. He and Joab began city improvement projects.

They made their capital city, Jerusalem, safe, strong and beautiful. God’s presence with David made him powerful and successful in everything that he did.

PRAYER: Dear God, please give me the gift of Your presence and Your blessing. Amen.

MORE: Capitals

Jerusalem was the city from which David ruled. It was like our capital cities.

1. What is the capital city of your country?

2. What is the capital city of your province or state (or whatever the smaller parts of your country are called)?

3. Have you ever visited a capital city? Write about what you saw, or draw a picture.

4. Look for pictures, in books or on the internet, of buildings and monuments found in your country’s and state’s or province’s capital city.

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