TODAY’S SPECIAL: I Samuel 1:20-29
TO CHEW ON: “I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” 1 Samuel 1:27,28

Have you ever made a promise that later you wished you didn’t have to keep? Perhaps you promised your brother that if he’d deliver your papers, you’d do his chores. Or you promised your parents if they gave you what you wanted, you’d never beg for things again. Or maybe you made a promise to God that if He answered your prayer, you’d do something special for Him.
Hannah had made a big promise to God. She told Him if He gave her a baby, she would give that baby back to God for his whole life.
God answered Hannah’s prayer with baby Samuel. How thrilled she was! She loved dressing him, feeding him and playing with him. But every time she looked at him, she also remembered her promise. She knew that if she kept it, she wouldn’t be keeping little Samuel. I wonder if she ever wished she could take back that promise.
The year Samuel was weaned – he was about three – Hannah and Samuel went with the family to worship in Shiloh. Hannah took little Samuel with them to the tabernacle. “Do you remember me?” she asked Eli. “I’m the one who was praying. God answered my prayer and gave me Samuel. I promised God I would give the child to him. So here he is.” Then she left little Samuel with Eli.

How Hannah must have missed Samuel those first days and weeks. I’m sure she often thought about him and wondered, what’s he doing, is he well, is he happy? How hard it must have been hard for her to keep that promise. But she did because deep down she knew her little boy was in God’s care, and that was the best place he could ever be.
PRAYER: Dear God, please teach me to trust You with the things that are the most special to me. Amen.
MORE: God’s Orphans
Samuel wasn’t the only child parents put in God’s care. Read the clues and see if you can tell who of God's orphans listed below is talking. Look up the Bible references if you need help.
Joseph (Genesis 37:23-28)
Moses (Exodus 2:1-4)
Daniel (Daniel 1:1-6)
Prince Joash (2 Kings 11:1-3)
1. I was hidden in the temple and cared for by my nurse when an evil queen tried to kill the whole royal family. Who am I? _______
2. I and my friends were captured by the king of Babylon and forced to be his servants. Who am I? _______
3. My brothers sold me to Ishmaelite traders. Who am I? _______
4. My mother put me in a basket and floated it on the Nile when Pharaoh commanded all the boy babies to be killed. Who am I? ___________