TODAY’S SPECIAL: James 2:14-19
TO CHEW ON: "In the same way, faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2:17

Someone wakes you up at night yelling, “Fire!” How will you show you believe the warning? Of course you’ll get out of the house.
The sign says, “Beward - shallow Water.” What will prove you believe the sign? If you’re smart, you won’t dive!
It’s easy to connect faith and action in the physical world. But there are other things we say we believe just as much, but our actions (or lack of action) make our words a lie.
We say God loves everyone and we love them too. Yet we gossip and say mean things about others.

We say we believe God will provide for all our needs, and yet we worry, showing we don’t really trust God at all.
We say we believe everyone who doesn’t accept Jesus as their Savior will someday be separated from God forever in hell, and yet we never tell our friends about Jesus.
Are we kidding ourselves about what we really believe? You bet! What we DO will tell others (and ourselves) what we really believe way louder than what we SAY.
PRAYER: Dear God, please help me to put my faith and actions together to bring honor to You. Amen.
MORE: What Do You Believe?
- Name one thing you believe.
- How will your actions today prove that you really believe it?