
TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 2:1-13

TO CHEW ON: "Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, 'What does this mean?'” Acts 2:12

Picture this. A group of people have met in a house for a church service. Suddenly the house is filled with the sound of a loud wind.

"Pentecost" by Kelly Nora

Tongues that look like fire rest on each person’s head. Then these people begin to talk, but in languages they’ve never learned.

Out on the street people passing by hear sounds from inside the building. They gather to listen. These listeners have come from many places and speak different languages. Now they are hearing the people inside the house saying words they can understand. They’re talking about how wonderful God is.

What do you think?
1.___ This never happened - it was all made up.
2. ___ This was the Holy Spirit power that Jesus had told His friends to wait for.
3. ___ The disciples were drunk.

According to the Bible, this did happen. The day the Holy Spirit entered the Jerusalem room where the disciples were waiting is called Pentecost. Before that day the Holy Spirit gave power to God’s special servants. Pentecost was a day when God’s power became available to every Christian.

Here are some things the Holy Spirit does in your life and mine:

"The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost" - Artist unknown

1. He helps us know and understand who Jesus is (John 15:26).
2. He invites us to come to Jesus (Revelation 22:17).
3. He causes us to be born again (John 3:5).
4. He makes us feel guilty and fear God’s judgment when we sin (John 16:7-8).
5. He helps us worship God (John 4:23-24).
6. He helps us pray (Romans 8:26).

PRAYER: Dear God, I welcome Holy Spirit into my life. Amen.

MORE: Modern Holy Spirit- Does Holy Spirit still give us power to witness today? In what ways?

- Have you been in a place where Holy Spirit’s power was evident? What did you see? Hear?

- What modern-day stories have you heard that would prove that Holy Spirit still gives power to Jesus’ followers today?

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