TODAY’S SPECIAL: 2 Chronicles 20:20-29
TO CHEW ON:"As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated." 2 Chronicles 20:22
It was the morning of battle day. The day before, the prophet had told Jehoshaphat that God would fight this battle for him and his soldiers. But the army still had to go to the battlefield. “Have faith in God,” Jehoshaphat encouraged the men, “and you will be successful.
Then Jehoshaphat arranged his army in a strange way. Who did he put at the front? (2 Chronicles 20:21)
1. Chariots and horsemen.
2. A choir of singers and praisers.
3. The most skilled fighters with bows and arrows.
As the army marched to the battlefield the singers, who led the troops, began to sing and praise God. When they did this an amazing thing happened. Trouble broke out in the enemy camp. The Ammonites and Moabites began to fight against the soldiers from Mount Seir. After that they fought and killed each other.

When Jehoshaphat’s army came to the hill overlooking the battlefield, there was no one left to fight. They trusted God and praised Him for helping them win even before they saw that victory. As they praised, God fought and won the battle for them.

Have you ever praised and worshiped God when you faced a big challenge? Try it. When we worship and praise God, He works in us and in our circumstances.
PRAYER: Dear God, please remind me to praise and worship You, especially in the middle of my problems. Amen.
MORE: Sing Jehoshaphat’s Song
1. The song that Jehoshaphat’s singing soldiers sang was simple. Write out the words (2 Chronicles 20:21) ____________
2. We don’t know what the melody of this song was so we can’t sing it exactly like the soldiers did. But we could sing it to a tune of our own. Make a song of the words Jehoshaphat’s soldiers sang:
-Sing them to a tune you already know or make up one of your own.
-You could repeat some of the words or phrases of Jehoshaphat’s song to fit with your music.
For an example, here is Jehoshaphat’s song, sung to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Give thanks to the Lord, the Lord,
Lord, the Lord, Lord, the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, the Lord
For his love endures forever.
3. Sing this song to God often. Sing it the next time you face a big challenge and need God’s help.