Salty You

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Matthew 5:13-16

TO CHEW ON: “You are the salt of the earth.” - Matthew 5:13

How much salt is in a loaf of bread?

- 1 cup?
- 1 tablespoon?
- 1 teaspoon?

If you guessed 1 teaspoon, you’re right. Not much salt is needed. But if you’ve ever had bread without salt, you’ll know how important even that little bit is, to make the bread taste right.

One day Jesus climbed a mountain near Capernaum. His disciples followed Him, sat around Him and He taught them. What Jesus said that day is called the “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5, 6 and 7 and Luke 6:20-49)..

"Jesus Teaching" - A. O. Stemler and Bess Bruce Cleaveland

One of the things Jesus taught was that people who believed in Him were like salt. Just like salt flavors and preserves food, Christians can make a difference wherever they are. When they are kind, pure and honest not only do they please God but they are an example to everyone watching.

How could you be a salty Christian:

- when someone is being teased?
- when everyone around you says swear words?
- when your friends ask you to help them cheat on a test?

The number of people who are Christians compared to the number of people who aren’t may seem small on your street, in your school, in your city. But just like a little salt makes a big difference in a loaf of bread, a few “salty” Christians make a big difference in the world.

PRAYER: Dear God help me to be a Christian who makes a difference in my world. Amen


~ In the time of Marco Polo, cakes of salt were pressed with images of the Grand Khan in Tibet and used as money.

~ Unrefined salt can be black (India) or red (Hawaii).

~ Salt keeps food from spoiling by drawing water out of bacteria and fungus cells so they can’t live.

~ The average person’s body contains about eight ounces of salt.

~ Popcorn salt is extra fine salt that sticks well to the bends and corners of snacks like popcorn and chips.

~ Sprinkling a little salt into canvas shoes can help dry them and make them smell better.

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