TO CHEW ON: “'But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'” Acts 1:8
We pay close attention to a person’s last words. When we know we are seeing someone for the last time, we’re careful to listen to the things they say.
The words above are the last words written in the Bible that Jesus said to His disciples before He went into heaven. He told His followers two important things.

Complete Jesus’ instructions by filling in the blanks using Acts 1:8 and the words below:
1. Jesus had a job for them to do:
You will be ______ ________ in __________, ___________, __________ and to the ends of the earth.
2. He would help them do that job:
You will _________ _________ when the ________ ______ comes on you.
Samaria, Jerusalem, receive, my, power, Spirit, Judea, Holy, witnesses
After Jesus said these things, He left His disciples and returned to heaven.

The job Jesus gave His disciples just before He went back to heaven is still our job today. Are we doing it?
PRAYER: Dear Holy Spirit, please give me power to be a witness for Jesus in my world. Amen.
MORE: Your Assignment
Jesus gave this job assignment to people:
- whose home city was Jerusalem
- whose home province or state was Judea
- whose neighboring province or state was Samaria.
Fill out Jesus’ job assignment for you: