TODAY’S SPECIAL: Luke 1:1-25
TO CHEW ON: "Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him ... When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear." Luke 1:11, 12
What do you want the very most in the world - a pet, a skateboard, a brother or sister, a friend?
Zechariah and Elizabeth wanted a baby - a son. But they were old and no son had been born to them. They had given up hope. But God had other ideas.
God was planning to answer their prayer.
1. What surprise did He send to Zechariah in the temple? (Luke 1:11) _________

2. What did the angel tell Zechariah? (Luke 1:13) ____________
3. Zechariah found out some surprising things about the baby which would be born. Which statements are NOT true? (Luke 1:14-17)
a. They were to name him John
b. He was to drink only wine and fermented drink.
c. He would be sickly.
d. He would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth.
f. He would preach but people wouldn’t listen.
g. He would prepare people for the Lord.
But Zechariah doubted the angel’s words. “How do I know this will happen?” he asked.
Because he doubted, the angel gave him a sign. Zechariah became dumb (unable to talk).
In time the baby was born, just as the angel said. Zechariah and Elizabeth were overjoyed. God’s promise had come true!

PRAYER: God, thank You that You know what I want the most and will answer at just the right time. Amen

After the baby was born, Zechariah and Elizabeth’s family and friends wanted to call him Zechariah. But the angel had said he was to be named John. When Elizabeth insisted the baby must be called John, everyone looked to Zechariah. He took a tablet and to everyone’s surprise wrote ______________________________ (Luke 1:63). And then he could talk again! Read the first words he said in Luke 1:67-79.
In Bible times, the meanings of names were important. What does John mean?
What does your name mean?