TODAY’S SPECIAL: 1 Samuel 3:1-21
TO CHEW ON: "The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, 'Samuel! Samuel!'
Then Samuel said, 'Speak for your servant is listening.'” 1 Samuel 3:10
One night after everyone had gone to bed, Samuel heard Eli call him. Because Eli was very old and blind, Samuel helped him with many things and was used to coming when Eli called. Now Samuel jumped out of bed and ran to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “You called me.”
“No I didn’t,” answered Eli. “Go back to bed.”

A few minutes later, Samuel thought he heard Eli call his name again, and again he jumped out of bed to see what Eli wanted. Again Eli sent him back to bed.
When this happened a third time, Eli thought of something. Maybe this was God wanting to speak to Samuel. So he said, “Go and lie down. If He calls you a third time say, ‘Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.’”
So Samuel went back bed. Sure enough, in a few minutes the voice came again, “Samuel! Samuel!”

“Speak for your servant is listening,” Samuel said.
1. Then God spoke to him. What did God tell him (1 Samuel 3:11-14)? Choose the best answer:
A. Eli and his sons are to lead the army in a war against the Philistines.
B. I will punish Eli’s family because Eli knew about his sons’ sins but didn’t stop them.
C. Eli and his sons are doing things that please me a lot. They will be priests for a long time.
2. Next morning Eli asked Samuel what God had said. How do you think Samuel felt about telling him? ___________ . Did he tell him? (1 Samuel 3:18) ________

Even though Samuel was just a child, God talked to him and gave him an important message for Eli.
Has God ever talked to you? He can. Just make sure all of you – your ears, and your whole body – is ready to listen.
PRAYER: Speak Lord, for your servant is listening. Amen.
MORE: Hearing God
Below is a list of some ways God might speak to people. Can you think of more?
- in Bible words
- through the words of a song
- while enjoying nature
- during prayer
- through your conscience
- in a silent voice in your thoughts
- in an out-loud voice
Has God ever spoken to you in any of these ways? Tell about it.