TODAY’S SPECIAL: 2 Chronicles 5:1-14
TO CHEW ON: "Then the temple of the Lord was filled with the cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God." 2 Chronicles 5:13b,14
At last the temple was finished. It was time to move the gold furniture and ark into their places. It was time to begin worshiping God in the temple. Solomon had kept his promise to his father. He had made the temple exactly like his dad had said. Now he wondered, would God be pleased with what he had done?
Solomon announced a holiday festival to dedicate the temple. People came from all over the country to celebrate. Priests and Levites got themselves ready to move the furniture. On the big day crowds lined the street and watched as the Levites carried the ark and the gold altar, lamp stands, basins, and all the other furniture from the tent David had made, to the temple.
When they arrived at the temple, they placed the ark in the gold-lined Holy Place.

Then they put all the other furniture where it belonged. As the carrying Levites left the temple the musical Levites played trumpets and cymbals while the choir sang: “He is Good. His love endures forever.”
Suddenly a cloud filled the temple. It was a glorious, awesome, frightening cloud of God’s presence. Solomon prayed a dedication prayer.

As he ended, “Now arise, O Lord God, and come to Your resting place...” fire came down from heaven. It burnt the sacrifices that were on the altar. God’s presence was so powerful the priests couldn’t even go back into the temple.
Now Solomon knew that God was pleased with the temple he had built. His obedience was rewarded with God’s presence in a thank-you glory cloud.
PRAYER: Dear God, please help me to obey You so that Your glory can shine through my life. Amen
MORE: Faith Steps When we obey God and do the things He asks of us, even if we don’t have any idea how they will turn out, we act in faith.
1. What did Solomon do in faith? ____________
2. How did God reward Solomon’s faith? _________________
3. What special thing is God asking you to do? ________________
Will you do it? As you obey, watch for God to send His glory and favor on your life.