Pray for Leaders

TODAY’S SPECIAL:1 Timothy 2:1-8

TO CHEW ON: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." 1 Timothy 2:1,2

Who is in authority over you? Do you know the name of your mayor, the people who represent you in government (member of the legislature, member of parliament, congressman, senator etc.) and your country’s head ruler (prime minister, president, king or queen)?

If your country is a democracy, your parents may be able to vote for who governs you. You may be happy with them because they treat you fairly and rule wisely. Or you may be not like them because they are unfair, mean, unwise, and even wicked.

Whomever the people in authority over us are, and no matter how they treat us, there is one thing we must do for them. We are to talk to God about them - make requests, pray, intercede* and give thanks.

*intercede: to ask or beg on another person’s behalf

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for ___________ who is in authority over me. Please give him/her wisdom to govern well. Amen.

MORE: What Should We Pray For?
Here are some prayers we could pray for rulers and authorities.*

1. Pray that godly leaders will have God’s wisdom to govern.

2. Pray that all leaders would discover God loves them.

3. Pray that bad leaders will follow bad advice and lose power.

4. Pray that leaders in lands where there is war will get tired of war and work for peace.

5. Pray that leaders who don’t follow God will allow Christians to preach the Gospel.

6. Pray that leaders who don’t know God will turn to Him.

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