TODAY’S SPECIAL: Mark 1: 9-13
TO CHEW ON: "And a voice came from heaven: 'You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.'” Mark 1:11
One day Jesus came from Nazareth to the desert where John was preaching and asked John to baptize Him.

John didn’t feel he was good enough to baptize Jesus. But Jesus insisted.

So he did it.

At the baptism wonderful things happened. The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove came to rest on Jesus. Then a loud voice from heaven said, “You are my Son whom I love; with You I am well pleased.”

Though Jesus existed in heaven with God before He was born, He left all that behind when He took on a human body. When He lived on earth He had all the limitations and temptations of a human person. Jesus didn’t have any advantages in the “being good” department. How wonderful He must have felt when His heavenly Father announced that He loved Jesus and was pleased with Him.
In what ways do you think Jesus pleased God?
We too long to hear our parents say, “I love you.” We work hard in the hopes that they will say, “You’re doing a great job” and “I’m so proud of you.” But even more than wanting to hear these words from our parents, someday we want to God, our heavenly Father, to say them to us – just like He did to Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to please You today. Amen.
SUPERSIZE IT: What Pleases God?
Make some lists:
1. Which people (characters from the Bible) pleased God?
2. What attitudes please God?
3. What actions please God?
Which of the things you listed do you think God would choose as His top three?