TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 27:1-41
TO CHEW ON: "But he said, 'Your brother came deceitfully and took your blessing.'" Genesis 27:35

Isaac was old and knew he would soon die. He asked Esau, his favorite son, to catch some wild game and make his favorite food. Then he would say a blessing over him.
Rebekah heard this. She didn’t want Isaac to bless Esau. Jacob was her favorite son. And hadn’t God said to her at the birth of Jacob and Esau, “The older will serve the younger”?
Here’s what happened next. But one of these things is not true. Which one?
1. Jacob brought Rebekah two young goats and she prepared food for Isaac.
2. Rebekah dressed Jacob in Esau’s clothes and covered his hands and neck to smell and feel like Esau.
3. Jacob took Rebekah’s food to Isaac and Isaac ate it.
4. Isaac blessed Jacob after he smelled his clothes and felt his skin to make sure it was Esau.
5. Esau brought prepared food to his father.
6. Isaac told Esau he had already eaten and spoken a blessing – on someone else!
7. Esau didn’t care that Jacob had stolen his blessing.
8. Esau vowed to kill Jacob as soon as their father died.
By tricking Isaac in this way, Rebekah took matters into her own hands. She could have trusted God to see how He would make sure Jacob got the promised blessing. Instead, she did it her way and started a family fight.
PRAYER: Dear God, please help me to have faith in You to work things out instead of trying to do it my way. Amen.
MORE: Bible Disguises and Masquerades

Other people in the Bible put on disguises to trick people. Match the person with what they did and whom they tried to trick. Here are Bible references to help you:
- Saul - 1 Samuel 28:8
- King Jeroboam’s wife – 1 Kings 14:2
- David – 1 Samuel 21:12-13
- King of Israel – 1 Kings 22:29-30