
TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 16:16-22

TO CHEW ON: "She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her." (Acts 16:18)

Paul went on two more mission trips. On one of them he took Silas as his helper. They visited the city of Philippi and met with the Christians there.

Every day as they walked to their prayer meeting, a slave girl followed them. She made money for her owners by telling fortunes. Every day as she walked behind Paul and Silas she shouted, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.”

What she said was true. But Paul knew the spirit who inspired her to say it was not the Holy Spirit but an evil spirit. One day he had had enough. He turned around and commanded the evil spirit to come out of her. (A word that describes casting an evil spirit out of someone is exorcism.) The spirit did come out of her. But when the spirit was gone the slave girl could no longer tell fortunes.

"Exorcism" by J. C. Weigel - 1695

What happened next? (Acts 16:22)

1. The slave girl’s owners thanked Paul and Silas for getting the spirit out of her.
2. The slave girl’s owners dragged Paul and Silas to the city authorities. They said Paul had wrecked their business.
3. The slave girl beat up Paul and Silas.

"Paul and Silas arrested" - Artist unknown

Paul and Silas helped the girl by getting her free from the evil spirit. But they also got in trouble for doing it. Are we willing to do the thing God wants us to, even if it means we’ll get into trouble?

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, help me to brave to do things that honor You, no matter what the consequences. Amen.

MORE: What About You?

1. What are some fortune-telling activities we have today?

2. Have you ever taken part in them?

3. What would you do if:

  • your friend wants to visit the lady who reads palms at the fair?
  • a bunch of friends pull out a Oija board at a party?
  • you get a horoscope calendar as a gift?


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