TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 19:11-20
TO CHEW ON: "Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly." Acts 19: 18-19a
Paul went back to Ephesus. His powerful sermons and miracles had made him famous. God worked so mightily through him that people took clothes that Paul had touched, laid them on sick people, and they were healed.

When some Jews in the city tried to heal and do exorcisms (make evil spirits leave people) in Jesus’ name, like Paul did, the evil spirits knew they were fakers. The demon-possessed people beat up the imitation healers.

God’s power working through Paul caused all the new believers to respect God very much. Instead, of covering up past sins, they publicly confess the wrong things they have done. People who were once involved in sorcery (magic and the occult) collected their scrolls and burned them in a huge bonfire.

God’s presence and power still makes us aware of the sins (wrong things) in our lives. Sometimes God reminds us of wrong actions we have done (stealing, lying, gossip, cheating). At other times He makes us aware of our wrong attitudes (jealousy, hatred, fear, envy). Ask God to show you if there are any sins in your life that need a “bonfire.”
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, please show me if there are things in my life that I need to confess and destroy. Amen.
MORE: Confess and Destroy 1. In Paul’s day people destroyed the scrolls they had used for sorcery (witchcraft). What are some things in our lives that don’t please God which we may need to destroy?
2. Some people may argue that destroying perfectly good CDs, DVDs, videos, books and magazines is a waste. Instead, they say, you should just give them away to someone who isn’t bothered by them. What do you think?