A House For God

TODAY’S SPECIAL: I Kings 5:1-7

TO CHEW ON: "I intend, therefore, to build a temple for the Name of the Lord my God as the Lord told my father, David, when he said, 'Your son whom I will put on the throne in your place will build the temple for my name.'” 1 Kings 5:5

When Solomon had been king for four years, he decided it was time to keep the promise he’d made to his dad and build a house for God.

He contacted King Hiram of Tyre to get permission to cut down huge cedar and pine trees. He called up thousands of men to work. Some felled trees.

Others worked in quarries cutting boulders into square building stones. Many moved the wood and stone blocks to Jerusalem. Still others worked in Jerusalem, putting the temple together.

After the gigantic stones were in place, workmen covered the walls with wood. They made floors, so that the temple was three stories high. They made the sanctuary – the room where the ark would sit – extra special, covering all the walls and ceiling with gold. Workmen carved beautiful decorations of fruits and flowers for the temple and made fifteen-foot high angel statues to decorate the sanctuary.

After seven years the temple was finished. Solomon built God’s house exactly like his father David’s plans. It was as beautiful as he could make it.

We no longer worship God in only one place, like the temple Solomon built. Though we may go to church, the building where we worship God is not the important thing. For when we ask Jesus to forgive our sin, He comes and lives inside of us. Paul wrote this to the Christians in Corinth. He said: “For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.’”

Are you a pure and beautiful place for God to live?

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to make myself a beautiful home for You. Amen.

MORE: Promise keepers and breakers.

Do you make promises? Do you keep them?

Solomon promised his dad he would make the temple. He kept his promise, even though his dad was no longer alive to see.

Many Bible characters made promises. Some kept their promises while others didn’t. Mark the statements below with ✔ if the promise was kept, an X if it was broken. (Look up the references if you’re not sure.)

1. ___ After the plague of hail Pharaoh promised the Israelites they could leave Egypt. (Exodus 9:28,35)

2. ___ The Jericho spies promised Rahab they would rescue her family and her family. (Joshua 6:25)

3. ___ The Israelites promised the Gibeonites they wouldn’t fight against them.(Joshua 9:26,27)

4. ___ Laban promised Jacob he could marry Rachel after working seven years for her. (Genesis 29:21-24)

5. ___ Hannah promised God to give her son Samuel to Him.(1 Samuel 1:28)

6. Who keeps all His promises? _________ (Deuteronomy 7:9)


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