TODAY’S SPECIAL: John 2:1-11
TO CHEW ON: "His mother said to the servants, 'Do whatever he tells you.'" John 2:5
Have you been to a wedding? Which things would you find there?
beautiful clothes celebration sad music smiling faces coffin camera tears hearse flowers graduation cap & gown birthday cake party good food decorations happy music
Jesus, His disciples and His mother were invited to a wedding in Cana. I’m sure it was a joyful time like our weddings are today. But suddenly there was a wedding emergency. What embarrassing thing happened? (John 2:3) ________________
When Jesus’ mother found out there was no more wine, she told Jesus. Then she said to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.” Even though Jesus had done no miracles up till then, His mother had faith He would know how to help.

At first Jesus hesitated. “My time to do miracles hasn’t come yet,” He said. But then He told the servants to fill the six large jugs that were nearby with water.

After they were full He said, “Now take a little out and bring it to the banquet master to taste.” When they did, the banquet master was surprised. It was the best wine of the whole day – of the whole feast.

Jesus can help us with our emergencies too. When we have problems, we can bring them to Him. Then we must be sure to follow Mary’s wise advice: “Do whatever he tells you.”
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, help me to remember to bring my problems to You, and then to follow the advice You give. Amen.
SUPERSIZE IT: Weddings Around the World

~ What are some wedding customs where you live?
~ Choose a country that interests you and find out about weddings in that country.