TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 20:1-17
TO CHEW ON: "And God spoke all these words..." Exodus 20:1
Suppose you got a new wristwatch. The advertising on the package says it can not only tell the time but it’s also an alarm clock and a stopwatch.
You take it out of the package. You put it on your wrist. But when you look at it a few minutes later, it isn’t even showing the right time, let alone doing all that other stuff. What do you need to do to get it working?
a. Push and press the stem and buttons to see if you can get it to work.
b. Talk to the watch, telling it what you want it to do.
c. Read the manual, then follow the instructions on how to set and use it.
Just like we need to read manuals (c.) to find out how to use our tools and gadgets, we also need a manual to tell us the best way to live. God has given us this manual in the Bible. One of the important places in the Bible where God clearly tells us how to live is in the Ten Commandments.
When God came down on Mt. Sinai, the people had to stay back. But God told Moses to climb the mountain and come close to Him. Then He told Moses ten rules for living. We call those rules the Ten Commandments. We still follow them today.

Using the Bible references, write the Ten Commandments in your own words below:
1. Exodus 20:3
2. Exodus 20:4
3. Exodus 20:7
4. Exodus 20:8
5. Exodus 20:12
6. Exodus 20:13
7. Exodus 20:14
8. Exodus 20:15
9. Exodus 20:16
10. Exodus 20:17
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You that You know how we work best and tell us how to live so we can be happy. Thank You for these rules for living. Amen.
MORE: The Top Ten
Review God’s top ten rules for living. Which do you find the hardest to obey? Why?