TODAY’S SPECIAL: Isaiah 40:1-11
TO CHEW ON: "He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11
Which of these things would bring you comfort?

I’m sure you’ll agree that teasing schoolmates, a growling dog, a car accident and feeling sick are not comforting. When we’re under attack, in danger or ill we’re not comfortable. Instead, we’d welcome some comfort.
In today’s reading, Isaiah reminds the people of Judah, how God, who is allowing bad things to happen to them, really feels about them. He would love to speak tenderly to them. He would like to cuddle them close to His heart like a shepherd carries a baby lamb. He would like to be gentle with them, like a shepherd gently leads the ewes who have babies.

Have you ever been punished by a parent and soon after, the same person who punished you, comforted you by taking you in their arms, hugging you and telling you how much you are loved? That’s what God is like here. He’s like a parent who, after punishing wayward Judah, wants them to know He loves them still – and very much too.
Next time your life is uncomfortable and the people you’re close to aren’t there to give you love and comfort, remember this picture of God. Even the bad things He allows into your life are for your good, to make you a better, stronger person. Despite what it looks like, God still loves you. He wants to be your God of comfort too.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for Your comfort and love. Amen.
MORE: A Tender Shepherd
Isaiah talks about God being like a shepherd.
- Using books or the internet, find out about shepherds and herding sheep in Bible times.
- Isaiah 40:11 talks about a shepherd carrying the lambs in his arms and gently leading the mothers with babies. Those are two ways a shepherd comforted his sheep. Can you find more?