TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 17:22-28
TO CHEW ON: For as I walked around and observed your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: “To An Unknown God” Now what you worship as something unknown, I am going to proclaim to you. Acts 17:23
As Paul waited in Athens for Timothy and Silas to join him, he walked around the city. On his walks he saw altars and statues (idols) to which the people prayed. He also saw an altar with a title that grabbed his attention: “To An Unknown God.”

The next day he went to the public square where the people gathered to hear and discuss new ideas. He said to the people, “I see you have made an altar to ‘An Unknown God.’ Today I’m going to tell you about him.” Then he told them about Jesus.

It’s natural for humans to worship. We all worship something. You probably don’t worship an idol at an altar. But if you answer the questions - what do I spend the most time dreaming about, hoping for, working on - you may be surprised at who or what is most important to you.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, please show me if I am worshiping other things besides You. I want to worship You. Amen.
MORE: Our Idols

Match the statements, below, with who or what someone may be worshiping.
1. I just love clothes. ____
2. I’d do anything to make the team. ____
3. Nothing will keep me from getting to the top. ____
4. The most important thing is to have enough money. ____
5. I wonder what Jesus would think about this. ____
A. Monday B. Jesus C. Clothes D. Sports E. Success