Mary and Joseph look for Jesus

Luke 2:41-52

Crowds of people were on their way home. They had been to Jerusalem for a special celebration. Mary and Joseph were there. They were walking and talking with their friends. They thought Jesus was there in the crowd, too. They thought Jesus was walking and talking with His friends.

Mary and Joseph and their friends walked all day. When it began to get dark, Mary and Joseph started looking for Jesus. Jesus should be here somewhere Mary must have thought. Mary and Joseph did not find Jesus. Mary and Joseph were worried. What happened to Jesus? Did He get hurt? Is He lost?

They hurried back to Jerusalem. Mary and Joseph looked and looked. Finally they found Jesus. He was sitting in the Temple! Jesus was listening to the teachers. Jesus was asking them questions. The teachers were amazed at Jesus. The teachers were learning from Jesus even though He was just a boy. Mary asked Jesus, “Why are you here? We have been looking for you.”

Jesus said, “Why were you looking for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” Jesus went home with Mary and Joseph. Jesus obeyed them.

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