Esther is chosen queen

Esther 2:1-18

The queen didn’t do what King Xerxes wanted. The king was very angry. “What should I do?” the king asked his friends.

The king’s friends said, “Send her away and find a new queen.” So the king started looking for a new queen. Many beautiful girls in the kingdom were brought to the palace.

One girl who was brought to the palace was named Esther. Esther was very beautiful. Esther met the king. The king liked Esther. The king said, “I want Esther to be the new queen.” The king put a crown on Esther’s head. The king invited many people to a banquet for Queen Esther. The king was so happy that he told everyone to take a holiday. The king didn’t know that God had a special job for Esther to do.

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