God talks to Moses

Exodus 3:1—4:17

Grown-up Moses went to live in the desert. He took care of some sheep. One day he saw something strange. A bush was on fire, but it did not burn up! Moses walked near the bush to see why it didn’t burn up.

God spoke to Moses from the bush. He said, “Moses, take off your shoes. This is a holy place.” Moses knew it was God talking. God said, “Moses, tell Pharaoh to let my people go free.” God did not want the Israelites to be slaves anymore. God wanted Moses to be the leader of the Israelites.

Moses was afraid. He was afraid that Pharaoh would not listen to him. Moses was afraid that the Israelites would not listen to him.

God told Moses that He would help Moses do what God wanted. Moses would even be able to do miracles. Then Pharaoh would do what God wanted. But Moses was still afraid. So God told Moses that Moses’ brother Aaron would help him. Finally, Moses was ready to go talk to Pharaoh.

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