John writes good news

Revelation 1:1,2,9-11; 21:3-5

When Jesus lived on earth, John was one of Jesus’ best friends. One day Jesus went back to live with God in heaven. Then John told many people the good news that Jesus loves all people. But some people did not love Jesus. They did not like John, either. They took John away from his home and made him live on a lonely island.

John had to stay on the island a long, long time. Every day he thought about Jesus and prayed. One day when John was praying, something very special happened. John heard a voice say, “Write a book about the things you see. Then send the book to the people who love Me.” John knew it was Jesus speaking to him!

Then Jesus showed John what heaven is like. He also showed John some things that will happen later. Jesus is going to come back! People who love Jesus will live with Him forever.

For many, many days John carefully wrote Jesus’ words on special books called scrolls. In our Bible we can read the words about heaven that Jesus told John to write.

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