Jesus dies on the cross

Matthew 27:32-56; Mark 15:21-41; Luke 23:26-49; John 19:17-37

One day, Jesus told His friends, “In a few days, some people are going to take Me away. I’m going to be killed.” Jesus’ friends were sad. Jesus knew this was part of God’s plan so people could be forgiven for wrong things they have done. And Jesus knew He wouldn’t stay dead!

The people who wanted to kill Jesus did not like it that so many people loved Him. When these people came to get Jesus, Jesus let them take Him. And He let them kill Him on a cross.

Jesus’ friends were sad. They took Jesus’ body and put it into a tomb. A tomb was a little room cut out of the side of a hill. Some men put a huge rock in front of the doorway of the tomb. Jesus’ friends were very sad. They didn’t know that something wonderful was going to happen.

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