Jesus loves the children

Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17

One day Jesus was teaching His friends and other people about God. They were listening carefully to what Jesus was saying. Just then, a group of people came to see Jesus.

Jesus and His friends looked at these people and saw that it was children and their parents. The children and their mothers and fathers were so excited to see Jesus.

But when they came near to Jesus, His friends thought that Jesus was too busy to talk to the children. Jesus’ friends said, “Don’t bring those children here!” The children and their parents were sad to hear those words. They started to walk away.

But wait! Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me! I want to see them!” Jesus was not too busy to see the children! Jesus loved them!

Right away, the children ran to Jesus. They crowded close to Him. Some even climbed up on His lap. Jesus put His arms around them. What a happy day! The children knew Jesus loved them!

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