Abrahams’s servant finds a wife for Isaac

Genesis 24:1-67

Isaac grew up and soon it was time for him to get married. Abraham talked to his servant. “Promise me that you will find a wife for my son Isaac.” His servant promised to do his best.

The servant loaded many gifts on some camels. He traveled through the hot, dry desert to the land where Abraham used to live. Abraham’s servant stopped by the well in a town. The servant asked God to show him who Isaac’s new wife would be.

While he was praying, a beautiful woman named Rebekah came to the well. Abraham’s servant asked her for some water. She gave him a drink and then said, “I’ll give water to your camels, also.” Rebekah worked hard pouring water into the watering trough until the thirsty camels had enough water. Abraham’s servant knew that this kind person was the one God wanted to be Isaac’s wife.

Abraham’s servant was glad that God answered his prayer. Rebekah was happy to be Isaac’s wife.

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