God protects baby Moses

Exodus 2:1-10

Pharaoh was afraid of the Israelites. There were many Israelites in Egypt. Pharaoh thought there were too many Israelites. Pharaoh planned to stop them by hurting all the Israelite baby boys.

But one mother hid her baby boy from the Egyptian soldiers. When she couldn’t hide him anymore, she made a basket that would float. She put the baby in the basket and carefully put it on the river. The baby’s big sister, Miriam, hid nearby to watch what would happen.

Pharaoh’s daughter came to the river with her servants to take a bath. The princess saw the basket and sent one of her servants to get it. When she opened the basket, the baby was crying. The Princess felt sorry for him.

Miriam ran up to the princess and said, “Shall I go and get someone to take care of this baby for you?” The princess said yes. So Miriam brought her mother to the princess. The princess told the mother to take care of the baby. Later the princess named the baby Moses. When Moses grew up, he lived with the princess, right in the Pharaoh’s palace!

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