God answers Hannah’s prayer

1 Samuel 1:1—2:11

Hannah’s husband had another wife named Peninnah. Peninnah had sons and daughters, but Hannah didn’t have any children. Peninnah made fun of Hannah because she didn’t have children. Hannah felt sad.

When Hannah’s family went to worship God at the Tabernacle, Hannah cried and cried. She prayed, “Please God, give me a son.”

Eli, the priest, saw Hannah praying and thought she was drunk. He told Hannah to stop getting drunk. Hannah said, “I am not drunk. I am very sad and am asking God to help me.” Eli told her to go in peace. Eli asked God to give her what she asked for.

God answered Hannah’s prayer. Hannah named her baby boy Samuel. When he was old enough, Hannah took Samuel to the Tabernacle so that he could serve God.

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