Adam and Eve disobey God

Genesis 3:1-24

Adam and Eve lived in a wonderful garden. There were trees and plants with good food like apples, bananas, grapes and watermelon. There were flowers and trees and plants that were beautiful to look at.

In the middle of the garden was a tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam and Eve they could eat anything in the whole garden except the fruit that was growing on that one tree.

One day, a serpent talked to Eve and told her to eat the forbidden fruit. “If you eat some of that fruit, you would know things you didn’t know before,” the snake said. “You would be like God.”

Eve listened to the serpent. She ate some of the fruit from the tree that God said not to eat from. Adam ate some, too. God was very sad that they had disobeyed Him. Adam and Eve had to leave the beautiful garden, but God still loved them very much.

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