Isaac is born

Genesis 15:1-6; 17:1-8; 18:1-15; 21:1-7

God gave a special promise to Abram. He promised to give Abram and his wife a son. As a reminder of His promise, God changed Abram’s name to Abraham. Abraham means “father of many.” Abraham and his wife, Sarah, waited many years but they still did not have a child. Abraham still did not stop believing God’s promise.

Abraham and Sarah grew very old, older than most grandparents. One day some angels visited Abraham. “Next year Sarah will have a son,” the visitors said.

Sarah was sitting in her tent listening to Abraham and the visitors. When she heard the angels’ words, she started to laugh. She and Abraham were almost one hundred years old! She knew that no one her age ever had a baby. She was just too old! The visitors knew that she laughed. They said, “Is anything too hard for God?”

God kept His promise to Abraham and Sarah. The next year, Sarah had a baby boy just as God had said. Abraham and Sarah named him Isaac.

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