Jesus uses a boy’s lunch to feed 5,000 people

Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15

Many people followed Jesus. They listened to Him talk all day long. They didn’t have any food to eat and it was getting late. The people were hungry. They were a long way from a town with food.

Jesus told His friends to give the people something to eat. Jesus’ friends didn’t have enough food for all the people. Only one little boy had some food. It was just enough for one person to have lunch, but the little boy wanted to share his food.

Jesus told the people to sit down. Jesus took the boy’s lunch and prayed. Then Jesus broke off pieces of bread and fish. His friends gave the food to the people. There was more than enough for everyone to eat. It was a miracle—something only God could do. One little boy’s lunch became enough food for everyone to eat!

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