Jesus talks to a Samaritan woman

John 4:1-42

Jesus and His friends walked to the country of Samaria. It was a long walk. Jesus was tired, so He sat down by a well to rest. Jesus’ friends went into town to find some food to eat.

While Jesus’ friends were gone, a woman came to the well to get some water. It was very hot outside. The sun was very bright. The woman brought a big jar to fill with water. It must have been hard work to carry the heavy jar.

“May I have a drink?” Jesus asked. The woman was surprised! Men never talked to women in public places back then. Jesus told the woman some secrets she had. Jesus showed her that He cared about her. Jesus told her He was the Messiah—the Savior God promised to send. The woman went back to the town to tell others about Jesus. She brought many people back to see Jesus so they could hear Him, too.

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