People welcome Jesus to Jerusalem

Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44

What a happy day! Jesus and His friends were going to the Temple in Jerusalem. On the way, Jesus stopped. He said to His friends, “There is a little donkey in the town. Untie it and bring it to Me.”

Jesus climbed onto the donkey’s back and began riding to the city. Many other people were walking along the road to Jerusalem. Some people were so happy to see Jesus that they spread their coats on the road. Other people cut branches from palm trees and laid them on the road for Jesus’ donkey to walk on. They were treating Jesus like a king!

Some people ran ahead to tell others, “Jesus is coming!” And even more people came to see Jesus. They said, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” (That means “Save us.”) It was a wonderful day in Jerusalem! The people praised Jesus!

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