Jacob tricks Esau

Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1-41

Jacob and Esau were twin brothers. Esau was born first, so he was supposed to be the next leader of the family. Esau loved to hunt and be outside. Jacob was quiet and stayed at home.

One day Jacob was cooking some stew. Esau came home from hunting and he was very hungry. “Give me some of your stew,” he said.

“I’ll give you some stew if you give me the right to lead the family when our father dies,” Jacob answered. So Esau gave his birthright to Jacob. Esau wanted the stew more than he wanted to be his family’s leader.

Another time, Jacob dressed up like Esau. Jacob put some goat’s skin on his arms and chest so he would feel hairy like Esau. Jacob put on some of Esau’s clothes so he would smell sweaty like Esau. (They didn’t wash their clothes very often back then!) Jacob talked to Isaac, but because Isaac was almost blind Isaac thought Jacob was really Esau! Isaac prayed for Jacob, and made promises to him, promises he had meant to make to Esau. When Esau found out about Jacob’s trick he was very angry.

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